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Sixth Grade Science
Structure, Function, and Information Processing 6-ish weeks
6-LS1-1, 6-LS1-2, 6-LS1-3, 6-LS1-8
How do the structures of organisms contribute to life’s functions?
Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms 6-ish weeks
6-LS1-4, 6-LS1-5, 6-LS3-2
How can one explain the ways cells contribute to the function of living organisms?
How do organisms grow, develop, and reproduce?
Energy 6-ish weeks
6-PS3-3AR, 6-PS3-4, 6-PS3-5AR
How can energy be transferred from one object or system to another?
How can we measure the flow of energy in a system?
Human Impacts 6-ish weeks
6-ESS3-3, 6-ESS3-4
How have human activity of land, energy, and water resources impacted Earth’s systems?
What is contributing to the rise in global temperature?
Earth's Systems 6-ish weeks
How is water cycled on Earth?
How are complex weather systems related to the sun’s energy and the force of gravity?
Weather and Climate 6-ish weeks
6-ESS2-5, 6-ESS2-6, 6-ESS3-5
How is water cycled on Earth?
How are complex weather systems related to the sun’s energy and the force of gravity?
Check back often! This work is under construction!