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Click on the grade level buttons above to take you to a master list of grade-level resources.
Note that a few buttons on each page are not yet active. We are working as fast as we can!
ACT Aspire
Basic Information
Easy access to important websites
ABC Frequently Asked Questions Download
ACT Aspire PowerPoints
These are 'bite-size' pieces of information designed for use with a PLC, self-study, or staff meeting.
Grade Level 'One Pager'
Each grade has its own 'one-pager' with direct links to the key info teachers need.
Grade Level Folders
We have compiled a file for each grade level with exemplars for English, Reading, Writing, Math and Science. The file for each grade also includes the computer-based exemplars for each subject area.
By Subject Area
Each file includes information about the subject area from every grade level 3-10, along with information about computer-based items in that subject area. These are perfect for content specific and vertical alignment conversations!
Resources for ABC Partners (Password required)
ACT Aspire PowerPoints
Click to download
The Basics PPT
Literacy (English, Reading, Writing) PPT
Writing (only) PPT
Math PPT
ACT Aspire-ish DOK 3 Math Tasks for Grades 3-8
Science PPT
Grade Level 'One Pager'
Click the grade for the option to download
Early High School (9th & 10th)
All grades LINK
Grade Level Folders
Click the grade for the option to download
Early High School (9th & 10th)
All grades LINK